Can I keep clams?



I have grown acropora with these lights.. but i hear clams need MH and nothing else will do.. I have a 46g bow front with 4X95 PC lights. Water quality is perfect.. and thanks for help in advance!

nm reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scoobs
I have grown acropora with these lights.. but i hear clams need MH and nothing else will do.. I have a 46g bow front with 4X95 PC lights. Water quality is perfect.. and thanks for help in advance!
You've kept acropora with success for how long? Define perfect water quality.
Technically it is possible to keep a clam under 4x95 watts of PC lighting in a 46 gal system....most likely canidates would be squamosa or derasa clams...but there is much more to consider than just the light source.


I had a frag that grew to about 1foot across and six inches high in about 1 1/2 years(At one point i was actually worried it might be able to grow and crack my glass).. started at 1" frag. It was bright green and had the really long hairy type polyps.. I say had.. casue something went worng in it about 2 years ago and everything crashed.. was a freaken mess and i never did understand why it happened..


Used to be a place not to far from my house in cleveland,Tennessee that had some of the best sps frags i ever seen.. I also got a brown acropora with purple tips as a frag.. it only grew a few inches.. wasent nothing like the green one... but the polyps on it was alot different.. kinda looked like stars instead of hairs.


I would start with a Derasa and see how it does. I have kept a Derasa under simular lighting with no difficulty. Water for clams does not need to be perfect, just not bad.


I hate.. to see any creature die.. I am wierd like that :p So .. im may pass on this even if i do think they are cool