Can I Keep Damsels????


Im Planning On Adding A Couple Clownfish,cardinal,starfish,sixline Wrasse, And Maybe A Coral Beauty. My Question Is That I Have A Domino Damsel And A Blue Damsel Im Wanting To Keep These Too.. I Have A 45 High That Is 36x12x24 Im Planning On Having At Least 45# Of Rock.. Any Advise Is Well Appreciated....


Active Member
The damsels will probably terrorize anything else you put in the tank. Dominos are especially known to be aggressive.


Active Member
Thats a lot of fish for a 45. That would be 7 fish in a small tank, I would take the damsels back
I have two cloudys and one perc, and they are starting to fight prety bad. I am taking the damsels to lfs. I think they are a mated pair. Very territorial


Active Member
I agree, that would be a lot of fish, and that heavily of stocking would certainly bring out the aggression in the damsels.... they're pretty bad to begin with but when they're in close quarters with other fish, watch out.

The domino will be worse than the blue, they're notoriously aggressive, but I would personally get rid of both.


Damsel are interesting fish. They are highly territorial. They are very misunderstood because they are cheap fish that are often bought. If they cost $40 each then many would want one in their aggressive tank. Damsels, as with any other aggressive fish, need to be kept in the right environment with the right tankmates. Unfortunately they are bought to cycle a tank, or simply because of their low price. They are cool fish, but need to be kept with the right tankmates. Your tank is too small for these territorial guys. You want peaceful fish.