can i keep it in my reef tank??


Active Member
im about positive that it is not a saragassum angler. Are you sure stuckinfla? It looks to have a different body stucture. and for now am sticking to myoriginal hypothesis that is it is a tassle filefish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDReef
its only half an inch :happyfish the fish that is

when sizing fish you go with adult size only...never think that its ok now because your going to upgrade later or give it away....


Originally Posted by golfish
when sizing fish you go with adult size only...never think that its ok now because your going to upgrade later or give it away....
no no no the fish it self now is half an inch
and its mouth is only 1/16 of an inch very very smaaaaaall lol


Active Member
yes, i am pretty sure it is a filefish although i no longer think it is a tassle with the new picks. The new pics look like it has spots instead of tassles.... maybe a clown filefish? Anyone else have opinions on an ID yet?
filefish are not reef compatible so it is not suitable for your system in size and diet. i would recomend giving it away asap.


Active Member
i still doubt it is a saragassum....... but if you see them all the time,.... i guess you would know....

do not release it!! it has been in your tank!!! you do not know what is in your tank. what types of parasites or deseases that do not affect your fish but could wreak havok on the ecosystem! the only way i would say it was ok, is if you got all your livestock, liverock, and livesand from the area where you got the fish.


Active Member
I THINK she is refering to a sargassum filefish not a sargassum angler.
Common names are too confusing!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I THINK she is refering to a sargassum filefish not a sargassum angler.
Common names are too confusing!

They are quite common here. Took it to two reputable LFS, both said sargassum (trigger family)


Active Member
oh soory stuckinfla its just that most people call sargassum anglers sargassum fish just confusion on words sorry


some web sits say that some are reef safe and some are not ...........but is it safe or not

also here is a picture of the tank it is in ( the first 1 is the tank before ph problem and the last 2 is now after the ph problem) am still working on it :happyfish



Active Member
woops!! sorry stuckinfla!! i also thought you were talking about an angler.
wel if the websites say that it depends on the fish, then we cant tell you for sure if it is or not. The only way to find out is to see if he eats your corals. But none the less, he will outgrow you tank so find a home!


Active Member
PS: i like your rockwork and how everything is stacked on top of a few pieces, almost like a bridge. a cool idea!
and one more question... how much lighting do you have? lol. sorry for the randomness, but i see you have a coral or two that i have had my eye on, and i always like to see what types of lighting other people have had sucess with.