Can I keep some of my crew?


Hello everyone. I have upgraded from an Eclipse system to a JBJ nano. My mother is comming to visit this weekend from out of state. I would like her to take my old system back with her for herself. I have taken most of my live stock back to the LFS, but my question is this.....can I put a few of my hermits, an emerald crab and a couple feather dusters in my tank that has not cycled yet without screwing things up? I only ask because maybe they would be considered like "hitchhiker" type things, on a larger scale. Thanks for any advise.

aztec reef

Active Member
Slack, it won't screw things up, but it will screw those things up(hermits,snails) you wanna cycle the tank first, why don't you let your Mom burrow your crew while your tank is cycling then get them back..(after cycle) if you cycle with them your are risking loosing them..

aztec reef

Active Member
I see, she's from out of State
. still i wouldn't risk it, can your lfs hold them for you? or maybe get some in store credit? or just give them to your Mom.


OK, i'll take them all back to the LFS. It's a 12 hour drive for her, so I am just going to have enough water in the tank to cover the LR/LS. Thanks for the help.