Originally Posted by Robdog696
Nope, apparently people like to flame... because if you truly just wanted to help then you would only post on a subject if you could answer the question. Perhaps some people on this forum should learn to do more than just repeat what other members have written... all anyone knows how to say is mandarins need lots of rock, that coral needs more light, and what are your parameters. Ya know, forget I asked. There are some members on this board who are really nice and super helpful. But for those of you who would prefer to flame other peoples stocklist than even attempt to answer a question, maybe you should try something before you say it can't be done. I'll just wait until tomorrow, and call the owner of the other lfs in town. It's too bad everyone in the hobby can't be as sincere as him.
I know what you mean dude.....its like this on every forum for ANY type of animal. I'm real big into keepign herps (reptiles and amphibians) and I went on a herp forum to ask questions about my golden geckos, and I got perma-banned for telling some guy that a green anole doesnt need a 55 gallon aquarium. Appareantly he didnt want to hear that he wasted 200 bucks on somethign that could have been perfectly fine in an $8.95-10 gallon from wal mart. Its retarded how some people just hear somethign and repeat it back every chance they get without EVER trying it first. GRANTED, salt water fish stuff is far more complicated than anything else I've ever tried, but thats still even more reason to not just give cookie-cutter answers at the drop of a hat.
Your dragonet will probably be more than fine. I know I for one caught a whole bunch of blennys at the beach off of the rocks around a peir and I brought them back to put in my roommates tank with his mantis shrimp, I looked online and it said "only eats copepods, expected live in captivity is 2 months"....well I threw some of those shrimp pellets I use to feed my turtles, and what do ya know....the blenys eat them like crazy and theyre still alive and thriving 6 months later.
in summation....im glad someone called those posters out. you rock.