LOL,, I know, I know,, I originally had the Ocellaris, one of my first fish, got the bubble, had it for a while and Ocellaris never hosted, So I got the Skunkback, after adding the Skunkback the Ocellaris then took to the bubble.
SO,, I was thinking ok,,, get another anemone, Sabae, cause thats the best host for skunkbacks supposely. The Ocellaris does chase him around a little bit, but no marks or missing fins or anything. They've been together for about a month now. Anyhow, yeah, so i was gonna get him a host, but I guess I'll try to trade him in for something, Its just a pain to try to catch him.
I did notice that he floats on his side near the top at night when the lights are off. Maybe I can grab him then