Can I keep two Anemones in one tank?

I was wondering if I could put a Sebae Anemone in my tank with my bulb anemone? I don't recall hearing anything about two anemones.


Active Member
If your tank is very large you might be able to get away with it. When I say large I mean like 100 gallons or more at least. The problem is that they can start chemical warfare to try and kill each other. They will alo kill everything else in the tank though. You are better sticking with just one kind if your tank is smaller.
ok, well.... I just got back with it. dang it! Thats fine, which would should I give to my father? My Ocellaris already took to the bulb,,, the skunkback of course hasn't had a chance to host with the Sabae yet, but which will be bigger and more attractive?


Active Member
The sebae will prolly be bigger. But if your bubbletip already put its foot down then you will prolly kill it trying to remove it. I would just make it easy and either take the sebae back or give him to someone. Also, why do you have two different breeds of clowns in your tank?? those honestly will prolly eventually kill each other unless your tank is really large.
LOL,, I know, I know,, I originally had the Ocellaris, one of my first fish, got the bubble, had it for a while and Ocellaris never hosted, So I got the Skunkback, after adding the Skunkback the Ocellaris then took to the bubble.
SO,, I was thinking ok,,, get another anemone, Sabae, cause thats the best host for skunkbacks supposely. The Ocellaris does chase him around a little bit, but no marks or missing fins or anything. They've been together for about a month now. Anyhow, yeah, so i was gonna get him a host, but I guess I'll try to trade him in for something, Its just a pain to try to catch him.
I did notice that he floats on his side near the top at night when the lights are off. Maybe I can grab him then


Active Member
Usually that is the easiest time. Mine do the same thing. I can actually pick them up in my hand when they are asleep. Little suckers!!!! Muah!!!
So to answer your question fully, I would take the skunk clown and sebae back to the LFS and get another ocellaris clown to mate to your current one. Make sure the one you get is larger than your current clown though.
Thanks for the advice! I just informed my dad to stop and get me a good looking 30.00 frag and I'd trade him this Sabae. He was off today and said yes, So thats ok, I'm out 20.00 but atleast they'll enjoy it.
So just to give u laughs,,,, I also still have my first Blue Devil Damsel in my tank. He doesn't bother anything and nothing bothers him. Him and the Skunkback actually run together. He is impossible to catch. I had to break down my whole tank the first time I got him out. Sent him to my dads when he got his tank 3 weeks in.. His Tomato clown took half the damsels tail off,,, So thats how I ended up back with him. Then gave my dad a Skunkback Psuedochromis,, lol,(mean little fish! MEAN!!!). Dad got rid of him cause he killed 2 pep shrimp.


Active Member
Wow, that is a nasty fish.
At least you don't have any problems with your damsel. Watch any new additions though!


Active Member
I also don't recommend two anemones, and even more two species of clowns, in any but larger tanks. In smaller tanks, often the larger clown will claim both anemones, and that causes big trouble in the tank overall. This is beyond the fact that anemones can cause each other some trouble (along with causing problems for coral).


Just my two cents, I currently have a 55g with bubble tip and pink tip and they both get along great. No warfare as of yet, but they both seem content. Besides, the bubble tip is busy with my clowns newly hosting it.