can i peel him off?


alright, i have had pc's on my 29 gallon reef for almost a year. after learning more about reef keeping, have decided that my gbta needed more light. so i got some a 175 watt metal halide to hang from my tank.
Q. The anemone is stuck to the glass right at the surface of the water at the top of the tank. Since i am going to introduce much more lighting into the tank, should i peel him off and place him at the bottom of the tank before shocking the tank with the new light?
Q. Also, how should i make the change from pc's to mh? Should i just run the mh's for a lot less hours during the day and slowly build it up to more hours? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
The anemone will probably move with the light change.
To acclimate everything to the new lighting most often people will do this with some layers of window screen. put 3 or 4 layers on top of the tank between the light and the water surface. Then run the lights on your normal schedule and every 3 or 4 days remove one layer of screen.
The other thing to keep an eye on with the new lighting is going to be temperature in the tank.


Active Member
You can usually get a roll of fiberglass window screen for aroun $5.00 a the harware stores.