can i put 2 differnt kinds of pistol shrimp together?


New Member
i have a 30gal reef and i want to add pistol shrimp. does anyone know if i can add 2 different species of pistol shrimp or will they fight, the readings ive found say they don't do well with more than one of the same species but they don't say weither they will fight with diferent spicies of pisol shrimp. does anyone have experiance with mixing them?:help:


I have two species of pistol shrimp and they don't interact. One is a Randelli the other is unknown coming from somewhere in the indo-pacific. The randelli has a couple of gobis as partners but the other one is a loner so far.


My two shrimp live within inches of one another. Occationally I hear snapping but I think they are snapping at a large serpent star I have that's got its tenticles into everything.