Can I put a flamehawk in w/cleaner and fire shrimp?


Active Member
I really like the flame hawk but will it eat my cleaner and fire shrimp? I've heard some do and some don't. So anyone with experience with this combination, I'd appreciate advise.

richard rendos

Active Member
I am sure the hawk would love a good meal. Just kidding, I keep a longnose with lots of shrimp. He doesn't even look at them. Make sure the shrimp have lots of hiding places.


Active Member
It should be all right as Rich said they should have plenty hiding places to get away from the hawk if he chooses to pester them and keep him feed. Ikeep 2 cleanrs in with a hawk.


Hey, I had a spotted hawk fish who was a pain. He
ripped all the limbs off my scarlet hermit.He didn't die until the hawk was able to get him out of his shell.After that I bought a clean up crew that contained many small crabs.After putting them in he proceeded to have a buffet but I caught him before he could get any I think.Well
I had to get rid of him so i gave him to my lfs.It wasnt a total loss though i got a six line.Good Luck.


i had a spotted hawk and he lasted 2 days and back to the lfs he went. killed several of my hermits. sure like hawk though they have personality. had a long nose for 1 day and he made like the space shuttle and launched himself out of the tank to his demise 50 bucks shot in the air so to speak <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> :( <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />


Active Member
gonna pass on the flame hawk til bigger tank....took a look at my livestock and think maybe I'm just about at top of fish happiness level anyway.... :)


I have a flame hawk, 3 cleaner shrimp and 1 camel back shrimp in my 75 gal. Every one gets along just fine.


We just purchased a long nose hawkfish. It wasn't acclimated 10 minutes and made lunge toward our peppermint shrimp. Missed the first time, but he looks pretty persistant!
I hope this helps, all fish have different personalities. I just posted a similar question on the fish forum and got some nice responses.
Look under "long nose hawkfish" I hope it helps!