Can i put a kole tang with these tankmates?


I have a 90 gallon FOWLR. Right now i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, 1 royal gramma, 1 lawnmower blenny and a yellow watchman goby. For the future i plan on getting firefish goby, flame angel and foxface lo. Do i have room for a kole tang or no?


Active Member
Without a Kole Tang you are probably at your limit. If you leave off the foxface you could put the Kole in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jfingers088
so basically i can't have 2 large fish in my tank only one?
pretty much
I personally would get the foxface not the tang becuase the foxface will usually do better in the long run in that size tank.


Active Member
I personally believe that as far as your bioload you would be fine and I would just recommend going slow and making sure to watch for problems between the fish. This is just opinion, I have kept neither fish alone or together so I am merely commenting based on an assumption of your bioload and nothing to do with either fish. Another opinion would be if you went with one, I'd say pick the kole, they are awesome looking fish. Atleast some are.


Originally Posted by Travis89
pretty much
I personally would get the foxface not the tang becuase the foxface will usually do better in the long run in that size tank.
That's what I was thinking, too.


Kole tangs are very nice and one of the smaller, less active, tangs (don't require as much swimming space, still active). I think the two might be pushing it though. They can reach 7" and with a foxface that can reach 9" that is a lot.