Can I save my yellow tang?


Staff member
Lets see if the improved water quality makes a difference, now that you are cleaning up the antibiotic residue.
Try offer them brine shrimp.


When I got home tonight most of the yellow coloration of the water was gone. I did a 10% water change, sucked out some detritus and uneaten food, and then gradually added more water over a few hours. I just fed frozen form. 1, and the GOOD NEWS is everyone ATE, albeit a little bit. The clown had several pieces, as did the others, so I'm sighing with relief.
SO, if everyone continues to eat, and I can do a couple more weeks of hypo, I should be able to salvage what I have left.
Again, many thanks Beth.


Staff member
Yes, thank goodness. You need to be in hyposalinity 3 weeks from the last time you saw ich and was in hypo, so you must be about a week away from that. Also, you raise salinity slower than you lower it, take at least 4-5 days.
I'm sure the little fellas are looking forward to returning home.