Can I support a Mandarin



I think they are a cool looking fish and my wife would really like one. Here are the vital statistics:
75 gal tank
30 gal sump/fuge (about 17 fuge full of chaeto)
60-70 pounds live rock
1.5 to 2 inch sand bed
Fuge is full of pods, see them crawling all over the sand bed and in the chaeto in the fuge. Sometimes see pods in the DT but not real often. Don't think I have any fish that would be real hard on my pod supply, current fish are:
5 green chromis
1 percula clownfish
inverts are:
Coral banded shrimp
blue-legged and scarlet hermits
Snails turbo and nassarius
various corals
Current tank has been running for 9 months but was an upgrade from a 55. 55 was set up for about 6 months prior to the upgrade. I am planning on getting more live rock eventually, I guess my question is, is my current set-up suitable for a mandarian or should I wait until I get the extra rock and it has time to get established? TIA.


Active Member
You might be okay but I would wait until you add more rock and the tank has established for a year at least to be on the safer side.


It sounds to me like your set up should support a mandarin. Especially since you say you are seeing pods all of the time in the fuge. I have had a mandarin for a month and he is doing well. I have had my 55G tank set up for about 9 months now as well. I have a 30G sump/fuge that has about 25lbs of LR in it. Although I did try to get a little extra insurance and found a mandarin that would also eat mysis shrimp. So that may be a possibility for you if you dont want to risk it otherwise.


You could support a mandarin but you should be shure that your tank is stable enough to do so for ever. I have 2 in my 90 and they are fine but the pods are all over and there is always food running around in there for them. The problem with manderans is that they do not eat prepaired food and brine shrimp are just a treat they have no nutritional value.If you decide to get one remember this they are solitary and fleeting you will rarely see it unless you are lucky they prefer to hide and come out in the evening and when no one is around
Good luck

mine are male and femail


Thanks for the help guys. I am still somewhat unsure about what I will do. My tank parameters are good and stable always. I test weekly and amm. trite and trate always come back at zero and have for months. I guess my biggest question was about having enogh pods in the display tank for one. I have a ton in the fuge that I see all the time, and I see them from time to time in the display tank, but I do not constantly see them. Then again I am always watching my fish and coral when looking at the display tank and not necessarily looking for pods.


Active Member
if you're worried, wait.
you'll be fine, but if you have that feeling there's nothing wrong with waiting a few months, make sure there's tons of the critters around, and let a mandarin have a nice home.


I ordered extra rock yesterday. I had been waiting on getting paid on a tank that I had sold to a friend. I just got the money so I ordered the extra rock and after that gets established for a few months I will probably try one then. Thanks for all the help.


Active Member
good deal. honestly, they are well worth the wait. there's nothing sadder than a mandarin that is skinny because there's nothing for it to eat. glad you're waiting, i doubt you'll regret it


Thanks again. Would hate to get a fish that I couldn't provide an good environment for. Have done that in the past when I didn't know any better, but hopefully we all grow from there.