can i use both these vitamins at?????


can i soak my food in garlic and kent marine zoe? or should i just soak the food in one of them once a week?


Active Member
IME garlic should be only use every week or 2, and vita, have their doses, some fish don't seem to mind, but ours seem to take them in either or, but not both, if we add both none of them seemed to want it, but teh best ican say is try, if they don't eat as well, then next time don't
IMO some will tell you otherwise, they did tellus , but as i said, it won't hurt, and then you will know


ok thanks --so i guess i will just use the garlic once a week? or maybe i will try both and see what happens? what would you do if it were you? kent says to fee it on the food at every feeding so everyday? should i do it that often?


Active Member
most vitamins i have used reccommend no more than 5x's per week, but one meal every other day and garlic every week or 2 should be ok