Can I use cc then put aragonite on top?


I have CC on bottom of tank and then I've placed my LR on top of that. Could I put aragonite on top of the CC?


No. Well you can, but it defeats the purpose. You want to remove the CC because if you don't, you will have constant problems with waste getting down into the CC. Adding sand on top of the CC seems like it would work, but before long the CC will work its way back to the top and you'll be back where you started. So, take out the CC, then add your agronite.



Originally posted by Buckshott
How much aragonite sand should I use with a 39 gallon tank? Thank you all for your help.

If you are wanting a DSB, then you are shooting for atleast 4" but 6" would be better. It would be good too if you get any fish that like to borrow. I have 100 pounds in my 65 gallon, so I would guess around 50 pounds, maybe a little more.
Wouldn't the tank cleaners take care of the stuff that gets trapped in the cc. Ie. shrimp, cucumber etc.
Maybe on the very top layer, but they will not be able to get down into the CC very deep because it is large and often sharp pieces which could actually injure bottom dwelling animals. Using sand prevents the debris from even getting down into the substrate, and what little does make it down will be taken care of by bacteria.


take it from someone who has done just what you are talking about....with in a day or two you won't even know you have the will sink below the cc. I am working, slowly but surely on getting rid of the cc. Nice place for lotsa messes to hide too, like poo and old food, and the clean up crew doesn't get it...will cause you a lot of problems. Sucks to clean too. Learn from my mistakes!!!! (that's why I made them..uh hu...yep.:D ) lol


how much water should I remove in order to get the cc out, and put the sand in? My tank is one week into its cycle and now I know it's going to be cloudy as all Heck when I put the sand in


When I did my tank, I didn't take out any water. It might help alittle bit to take out a few inches of water, but really there is no non-messy way to do this. Make sure you have lots of towels at the ready because you are going to get water all over the floor.
I used a coolwhip container and drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom to let water drain out. I would scoop the CC and let it drain a few seconds and then dump it into a 5 gallon bucket, then repeat until it was all out.