well, as far as victims go, i built a dsb for a 29 and a 55 for, $11.61, so i really doubt that is it, cc one bag, which was not near enough for mmy 40 gallon, cost me 29$ for one bag(which was also made by carib sea, might i add)
and hockey player, i have had cc that i had nitrates with readings always of 60 plus, normally around 80, now in our 75, NO SKIMMER, i can't get them over 20, normally in 5 to 10 range(no skimmer or filter used), our nitrates finally did come down in our 40, but after i changed to a dsb, there you herard it(not one bit is fiction either, if you need to look through old posts, i have said it for quite some time)
sea wraith, i gotta ask, no spike? who ever mentioned a spike, what do they maintain at?, and you also mentioned a bit more filtration, alot more than needed with sand, as for the other post, about havein cc and a sump with sand, lets see you also have rock, a sand bed in the sump and what else, oh yeah a skimmer, all i ever said is that with cc you neeed some extra assistance, maintenance, like cleaning and or a wet dry or a skimmer or rock and so on, which is what i have ben saying, it needs more help than a dsb, BUT i also said that there has been success witht hem, i never once said there wasn't, i have seen systems with cc that have been successful, and it seems that the only ones who are looking to start up are those defending cc(yet they say they are dawning the flame retardants and such), when ever sand is mentioned
back to the question, i would not use the 2 mixed, i have and won't again, and if it were new, i would start with sand again instead of cc-