Can I use DI water?


New Member
I think i read on here that people use DI water. Is this for real? I work at a place were I can get a ready supply of DI.
Also if I can use it what are the benifits? Sorry if this is a stupid question I just want to get the dl.


Active Member
Hi & welcome to the boards
RO/DI water is the purest water you can add to your tank. It is almost completely without any disolved solids that come with tap water.


New Member

Originally Posted by metweezer
Hi & welcome to the boards
RO/DI water is the purest water you can add to your tank. It is almost completely without any disolved solids that come with tap water.

Cool thank you. Finally something I can get from work, except for a headache!


haha i get my DI water from my Bio Lab or Chem lab at school


Originally Posted by Veeraj87
haha i get my DI water from my Bio Lab or Chem lab at school

what! they just let you take that?
i noticed that in the back of my classroom and was craving it


yea just ask you TA if you can bring a container to fill DI, they generally say yes a few have asked why i just tell them that i ahve a Saltwater tank and their like ok ... its just water


New Member
I work in a R&D lab, and I will be taking jugs filled with DI water home with me when I start my tank. DI water actually isn't the most purified water available, there are still some particles in it, but the next level for what we use in the lab is just overkill for the average person. Plus the DI tap comes out like a firehose!