can i use latex gloves in my tank?what about non-latex?


Staff member

Originally posted by golfish
Why would you ask why I would ask that question:confused: :confused:

Well, because I thought you might actually have some useful insight that I wasn't catching on to. But, guess not.


Staff member

Originally posted by YellowTail
this board is turning to the sour side. now i see why people are leaving:nope:

If you are going to take Mark's sour puss attitude seriously, then you might as well not visit any BB, because he's really everywhere!

Don't worry, I have something he doesn't have....the delete button!
Its all just fun, people. Lighten up.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Well, because I thought you might actually have some useful insight that I wasn't catching on to. But, guess not.

Since when do I have useful info to add:D


Staff member
Its buried in there.....if you'd just let it all hang out.
Everyone knows that you are a grand master tudor in the hobby!
Just your pictures say a lot, so don't get humble on us. Humble gol is like LR out of water....all smelly and stale. :D


New Member
For anyone interested in long arm length plastic gloves and cheap. Find a local dairy farm and ask them for an UNUSED breeding glove. They are very inexpensive and would go up your whole arm.


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Don't worry, I have something he doesn't have....the delete button!

thats a good thing


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
Its buried in there.....if you'd just let it all hang out.
Everyone knows that you are a grand master tudor in the hobby!
Just your pictures say a lot, so don't get humble on us. Humble gol is like LR out of water....all smelly and stale. :D

I hate it when your nice:scared: