Can i use the publix machine water?

madd catt

Its more than likely that it is the same water as tap water {i am not saying that it is}if you test it and it contains heavy metals and clorine use one of those declorinators and heavy metal eliminators such as jungle labs or tetra and such.


so i could use it if it passes everything? and if it doesnt haver the chemicals i could use it?
is this an okay alternative to RO water. I cant afford 180 gallons of it nor the unit right now.


What exactly is "Publix machine water"? I am assuming it goes through some type of filtration process but not sure as I don't have a Publix here in town. Go to the machine, look to see if it tell you what type of water you are getting. Regardless of the answer, you will still need to test the water. It may be an ro/di machine in which the filters haven't been changed in a year. In which case, you would be getting expensive tap water.

madd catt

Well, its most likely not a good alternative too ro diwater distillers but there is a company that bottles water {i dont know the cost} it is called polar {the one with the bear on it} the make water distillers and their bottled water is more than likely distilled and you could find it where bottled water is sold.
However with that said if your public water after being tested was ok,than i guess it could be used.


Active Member
i am in palm coast, my lfs told me to go to winn dixie's machine, i have not done this yet because my tank is not set up. i was just planning to go to wal-mart and getting distilled though. or are the machines cheaper?
by the way lilcheen, where do you get most of your supplies/fish from? there is really not much here.

madd catt

I just wanted to add that i know that more than a few companies have been taken to court over bottled water being no more than tapwater but i do not know this about the polar company.



Originally posted by CindySki
i am in palm coast, my lfs told me to go to winn dixie's machine, i have not done this yet because my tank is not set up. i was just planning to go to wal-mart and getting distilled though. or are the machines cheaper?
by the way lilcheen, where do you get most of your supplies/fish from? there is really not much here.

Two places herein town.
Aquatropics and Aquatecture.
Both nice places.
Both have their pros and cons. ( i Think they are working together secretly) but who knows.


its 30 cesnts for 5 gallons.
The machine lits and shows pictures of each process the water goes thru.
It says Reverse Osmosis!, says nothign about distilation.
Also, said water is passes along Uv lights.


Active Member
Those machines are portable RO units. If it says Reverse Osmosis on it, it is probably OK. To be sure, as mentioned, bring a bucket home, and test it.
I have used those water machines regularly for new tanks, and for top offs, and have never had a problem.
Not familiar with Publix, but probably the same type of thing. Just test it.


New Member
Lil yes you can use Publix water. It is RO water. I have used it before and have tested it and it was fine for me. But like others have said test first you don't really now when the filters were changed.


I have been using a RO/DI machine outside a grocery store down the street. Used the water when I initially setup the tank and now use the water for top offs. Never have tested the water, but have never had any bad algae outbreaks or anything go drastically wrong. Its only $.30 per gallon and completely worth it to me.