Can I use this live sand from the keys????


Active Member
I work for a good local fish store.We are not that big but carry only saltwater.It's just me and my boss and I love it.Anyway,He just got back from the keys and brought me some cool stuff.Among all the stuff he brought me was about 60 pounds of live sand.I'v got it inside and have taken a collender and sifted through it.Now it's a pretty fine grain with no shells and fragments.I'm setting up another tank and want to use this sand.Can I do this????


Active Member
if you mean sand that someone just collected, i would proceed with caution, you never know what may be in there, especially with pollutants and such, it may have some good stuff, but then again, it amy have pollutants and or microorganisms that you may not want

nm reef

Active Member
Was this sand just picked up from the beach?...did your boss get it while diving off shore?...did he get it from a keys LFS?...where exactly did it come from?...personally I'd be extremely cautious about putting anything in my system without knowing it was free of pollution and contamination....


Pedator,I'm going to do something similar
with a 125 I'm starting up.But I think I'm
going to start with the marl,found in the mangrove intrusion areas.My plan is to set the tank up completely,everything working and
then add the marl.No sifting or sorting ecept
for obvious things like large crabs and wood pieces Just the marl,no plenum about 4 inches
deep and see what happens
Would love to exchange info with you or
anyone else attempting this type setup use clogging the lists Gary
I got mine from the beach when I was down on the gulf side of Florida around Destin. I didnt know anything about saltwater then. But Im using it and my tanks been up two months with no problems so far.


Active Member
Yes this sand was got off shore.He was diving and brought it on board.I mean I got it in a big tub.Not from a lfs or in a bag. It had all sorts of crabs and organisims in it.Would life be able to live in the sand if contamation was in it.It looks to be healthy,does'nt stink and it still substaining life.


Yes life would still be able to live in it with contaminents. You have better than a 50/50 chance of it being good. If it were me, I would give it a try in a new tank. Some of the organisms could attack different corals, etc. Depending on where he was diving, it may be just fine. I am sure that alot of the live sand collected by wholesalers, would be just about the same. There are no guarantees though. If the sand is not sterilized, and then made live by putting it in an artificial reef, your chances are probably the same as to having problems.
It is much better than getting live sand off of the beach or near the shore line.


Active Member
I just set up a new 30 gallon long with this sand.I have yet to put anything in there.I'm going to get the water tested tomorrow and go from there.I plan on putting a small snow flake in there and before doing so I'm gonna see if anything will live.Maybe some cheap damsels or something.I know that seems a little mean.SORRY...
Anyway,Any other in-sight would be great.I would love to hear what everybody has to say.I'll be checking this post a few times a day so I'll respond to every post fairly quick.


Active Member
vs. damsels, our lfs sells mollys which have been acclimated to sw, they are cheaper and heartier than the damsels, just a suggestion
you can acclimate FW mollies to SW, they live in both, but must be acclimated slowly. It cracks me up when I see stores selling SW mollies at a higher price than FW mollies. Its the same fish.


Okay, would this not be the same thing as the Florida Keys LS they sell on this site. Would you not be running the same risks as the sand harvested in this situation. If so, why do they sell it here. I am concerned because I have some comming on Thursday.


just to know it is illegal to collect sand or rock in florida waters
:) tell your boss to be careful. ofcourse since he does run a fish store he may have the liceanse. i could not get one. if he does, greatest apologies :)


Active Member
He is licensed but even then your resticted to what you can take.No live rock and almost no corals.Sand and fish are ok.My boss is a straight and narrow,well a square is more like it.He's scared to speed much less face serious fines and possiable time.


I live by the gulf of mexico and have used sand from the gulf without any problems to my corals or fish and my tanks have been up for almost 10 months now. if it looks as clean as you say then you proably wont have any problems. ;)


Active Member
Thats reassuring but be careful.I live right near the coast in AL and the gulf is pretty polluted.


New Member
The truth be known, alot of the retailers in South Fla. do exactly that. If the sand is from South of Miami and taked from deeper water (30+) it should be fine. At least as good from buying it from some one who has shipped it in from the islands, Figi, ect. (So they say). Don't get caught taking it tho, same as rock or corals, if it is in the sea it belong to the sea (Fla. marine patrol says)