I don't think it can rub off, though it can be picked off . Don't even think on doing that though, because the only thing that can do that is cleaner shrimp. They can pick parasites off fishes body. Fish will try to rub it off but it won't work, they'll just ended up hurting themselves, poor fishy .
i have a spotted yellow boxfis/trunkfish that i bought yesterday and noticed he had spots so i quickly put him in qt and treated him with nox-ich. is this stuff good or bad? he seems to be doin fine but he just does not want to eat his brine.
put him in ur hosp. tank and treat with hyposalinity...if u don't know how to do that, then do a search...mr.tang wrote a great "how to" hypo thread a month or so back.
I had a cow fish (longhorn) for a long time, He had white spots, I think its part of his skin, I remember reading somewhere that it said they have natural spots. Maybe do a search before stressing him out HTH