Just found this thread.
Even in the thread about my tank I pointed out that I didn't want everyone new to the hobby to go out spend a ton of money and crash their tanks. I probably wouldn't have put how old it was on there if I would have known it would create such issues.
I didn't buy all of the stuff yesterday, throw it in my tank, and snap a few pictures just to have it crash tomorrow. I've done tons of research (My girlfriend loves the tank but is making me cut back on the sites). All of my fish get along and although some of them are not common in reef tanks are doing well so far. All in all I have 19 fish in there, which I do not suggest for anyone and I am hesitant to post that just because I know I will be attacked. The Niger Trigger, Sohal Tang, Flounder, and a few others will be going into my nonreef when I move. I stand behind UV all of the way and have had no sickness in the tank since the beginning. As far as corals, I see no problem with adding them fast, a lot of people do that before fish with the more hardier species. You do have to keep an eye on your alk and calcium, of course. Maybe I'll count how many corals I have in there but to give you an idea there are over 40 ricordias in there alone (mostly because a lot have split).
I honestly think that the first 2 months are the hardest and at this point everything will become easier. My refugium controls my nitrates, my fish and refugium control my algae. If done correctly and with a lot of hard work at first this hobby can become much easier in the long run.
I always suggest a very good skimmer for that amount of fish and you pretty much need macro algae in a refugium.
I just don't really understand how a very healthy tank would all of the sudden start unmaturing or go the opposite direction, unless of course I stop taking care of it.
I post pics every month around the 21st, so we will see then how it is.
Again patience is the key, I don't want people to get out of this hobby because they crashed their tanks from going so quickly.
About my 55 I did take about 50lbs of Live Rock from it for the new tank. All of the sand is new except for about 2lbs from the old which I used to seed it, I did use about 140lbs of aragonite LS from the store which also allowed me to add things earlier, all of the water is new of course and there are some corals from the old tank but for the most part are new also.
Sweetreef, nice tank! What size is it? I will be getting a 29g the end of March and will start that up in a few months.
This is a pic of my 55g before I took it down and sold it.