Can light actually be too strong??

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
the 250w DE HQI 20k looked just as nice as that overdriven 400w radium... and as i understand, gives off nearly the same intensity for a 150w less power

Yeah that's what I heard too and I found that for the most part true with my 10k ushios, but my 20k 250 DE AB (these references sound like code talk) have wonderful color but seem alot dimmer than the 400 watters... luckily that my softie tank the 20k is on...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
the 400w SE 20ks... that being run on HQI or standard... no doubt 400w on HQI would be better than 250DEs
i have heard good things about the 20k DE ABs too
i have been told i should get them for my new tank this summer.

Actually I see both on a regular basis and I'd have misgivings about running my 250 DE AB on my sps tank. I even threw it in there to see what it looked like and it was dim. The color is excellent though, and you could check it out on my corner tank thread in this forum.
I have the pleasure of watching my buddy Robie's tank for a month while he's away (Robz on the boards), and he's got 400 watt radiums run on standard e-ballasts and they look much brighter than my AB 250...
Some food for thought... when we move and the 180 goes back up I was thinking of DE 20ks, but I'm leaning towards 400 watt SE for this reason... no worries though if you're not looking to cook anything though...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
gotcha.... one more question... were your 250DEs on electronic?
i intend to run 3x 250w 20k DEs on PFO magnetic hqi ballasts over a 180g and have tons of SPS... hopefully it wont be dim :nervous:

Kip that's what I was planning on my 180 when we move, but I'm changing my mind. There are so many local guys I know that run 400 watt radiums not on HQI ballasts) with great results (including two -- tank of the monthers, Robz and va_reefman).
These 20ks haven't been out that long, as I got one from the first shipment sent to my vendor in January. I have no idea what other people are saying about them, other than that people have been happy with the AB.
Oh and all of my DE bulbs are run on Icecap e-ballasts... they are about the size of a brick and with the Icecap name you know you can't go wrong...
Incidentally I am very happy with my 250 watt DE 10k ushios on my sps tank, and that's my other option for the 180... I am almost deadset now against going with 20k 250 watters though...
Man how we can ramble...:D

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
we are all outta sync... you are answering as i am asking
thanks for your info
i have been chatting around with some local equipment gurus and one or two online (golfish and skilos) and thats how i arrived at 250wDE20ks on the new tank.

Do you know which 20k bulb they're talking about?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Yeah I blindly went with ABs on name alone when they came out and lucked out. On a

sps tank though I've changed my mind pretty much... anyway what would this hobby be without lighting questions...
In my corner tank thread you could see where I put a few choice sps up top, and the color turn out has been lacking compared to the same specimens in my sps system under 10k ushios... I know that many of these same corals (you know how they get spread locally) look great under the 400 watt SE 20ks...
That combined with putting it side by side with my 10k bulb (which made the AB 20k look like an actinic VHO almost in intensity) have swayed me...
Just some food for thought...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
i am running a 250w mogul ushio now on my growout tank... and have been very pleased with color and growth... if the 20ks (whatever brand) dont work out... i will put ushios in and then add some uri actinics

You can't go wrong with that... let us know what you decide and good luck Kip...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
My corner tank thread is here
It will give you an idea of color anyway... the 20k DE AB is a nice unsupplemented bulb, which is why I went with it...


How did your DIY hood work out. I need to build one for my 35gal hex. I'm looking for any advice you may have.