Originally posted by Kip4130
gotcha.... one more question... were your 250DEs on electronic?
i intend to run 3x 250w 20k DEs on PFO magnetic hqi ballasts over a 180g and have tons of SPS... hopefully it wont be dim :nervous:
Kip that's what I was planning on my 180 when we move, but I'm changing my mind. There are so many local guys I know that run 400 watt radiums not on HQI ballasts) with great results (including two -- tank of the monthers, Robz and va_reefman).
These 20ks haven't been out that long, as I got one from the first shipment sent to my vendor in January. I have no idea what other people are saying about them, other than that people have been happy with the AB.
Oh and all of my DE bulbs are run on Icecap e-ballasts... they are about the size of a brick and with the Icecap name you know you can't go wrong...
Incidentally I am very happy with my 250 watt DE 10k ushios on my sps tank, and that's my other option for the 180... I am almost deadset now against going with 20k 250 watters though...
Man how we can ramble...