I have this small, mabye 1 1/2 in. fire shrimp who right now is missing three legs. I have seen his molt lying on one side of the tank so I concluded two things...
1. My pH, which when I checked was 7.7....
messed with his molt.
2. His "Mate" attacked him after he molted.
The reason I think the female could have attacked him is because they both are a real different shade of red. The male is maroon, while the female is scarlet. When I did buy the male, the price tag said it was from Sri Lanka. Also, they have both been staying completely away from each other. Now my salinity is 1.027 (used a refractometer), which is also kind of on the high side. I have no clue how it got like this with high SG and low pH. So since I learned of my low pH, I have started today adding 1 capful of Kent Marine Pro Buffer dKH per day and will continue until I see results (said it would raise pH.) All other inabitants are acting normal. Here is my stock list:
2 percs
1 bicolor blenny
1 black and white feather duster
1 porcelain crab
2 blood shrimp
various snails, hermits, and a conch
The tank is 55 gallons and I run a protein skimmer.
The only problem is that my test kits are over a year old (salifert is expensive...) so I'm not sure if they can be trusted or not. Thanks for the help, I will try and give any more info if I can.
1. My pH, which when I checked was 7.7....
2. His "Mate" attacked him after he molted.
The reason I think the female could have attacked him is because they both are a real different shade of red. The male is maroon, while the female is scarlet. When I did buy the male, the price tag said it was from Sri Lanka. Also, they have both been staying completely away from each other. Now my salinity is 1.027 (used a refractometer), which is also kind of on the high side. I have no clue how it got like this with high SG and low pH. So since I learned of my low pH, I have started today adding 1 capful of Kent Marine Pro Buffer dKH per day and will continue until I see results (said it would raise pH.) All other inabitants are acting normal. Here is my stock list:
2 percs
1 bicolor blenny
1 black and white feather duster
1 porcelain crab
2 blood shrimp
various snails, hermits, and a conch
The tank is 55 gallons and I run a protein skimmer.
The only problem is that my test kits are over a year old (salifert is expensive...) so I'm not sure if they can be trusted or not. Thanks for the help, I will try and give any more info if I can.