i've done it but i try not to. some big pieces of base are unavoidable. if the piece has corals on it dip a bucket or tupperware thing in, hand it in the bucket and dip it out full of water. numerous books will tell you there will be a spike if you take it out of the water. i'm sure we would just notice some browning edges whereas they would have university level equipment. my position is that if i can dip a cheap plastic bucket in to transfer stuff then.. ok, yeah that kindof seems not too hard. you have to transport it somehow anyways. from what i've heard on various boards you'll set your corals back at least a week.
ya i can keep it out of water for a while, just make shure it stays damp. like put a town with saltwater on it and just lay it on there. itll be fine for a few hours.....i ordered lr and they just send it in a moist stirofoam box
No need to fuss about it..it will be fine. When new LR comes in the boxes from shipment, we take it outside and scrub it with a hose and a brush....the critters still live.
i moved about 200 lbs of it 2 weekends ago. it was out of the water for a few hours. maybe it had some die off. but for a few minutes, i wouldn't worry about it at all....