Can my hemits kill my new clam?


New Member
I recently got a clam and I am worried that my hermits might hujrt my clam. Can they hujrt it? I put the clam towards the top of my tank, is this right? let me know thanks.
nano 24 gal.


Active Member
What kind of clam?
What type of lighting?
What kind of hermits?
I wouldn't think small hermits could hurt a healthy clam.
Clams get pretty big though, how big is this one?


New Member
I believe it is a Tridacna Crocea. Is it (look at picture below)?
I have the standard lighting that comes with the jbj nano cube 24 gal., I believe they are pc's. However, I just found out that they need MH lighting. But I was wondering if anyone out there has had any luck under pc's. responses would be great. thanks
oh, hermits are, I think, red legged hermits



Active Member
i don't know about the lighting for a clam (i know i probably don't have enough, and i have pc's) but as stated, hermits shouldn't be able to hurt a healthy clam. if it dies, they will eat it though


Active Member
Originally Posted by kobain06
I believe it is a Tridacna Crocea. Is it (look at picture below)?
I have the standard lighting that comes with the jbj nano cube 24 gal., I believe they are pc's. However, I just found out that they need MH lighting. But I was wondering if anyone out there has had any luck under pc's. responses would be great. thanks
oh, hermits are, I think, red legged hermits

You lighting is insufficient enough for a MAXIMA clam, especially with the standard NANO lighting, your clam while its alive should be safe from the hermies!


New Member
so it is a maxima clam and not a crocea? I think i'm gonna take him back today and get store credit for it then. I should have did my research before buying it.


Active Member
no thats a crocea which requires slightly more light than maxima's. unlikely that dwarf hermits will harm the clam though anything is possible (people with clam tanks generally stay away from hermits). I wouldn't worry about it I have a few clams and a few hermits. even a 70w MH may be hit or miss with a crocea especially at that small size.


Active Member
I agree that the lighting is most likley insufficient for that clam, it will endure for a while but eventualy die a slow death from light starvation.
IMO the only clam suited for PC light would be the Gigas, and its about the worst clam you could ever stick in a nano as they grow really fast and reach sizes of 2+ feet and Hundreds of pounds.


Active Member
I agree with the above most people with crocea clams have them under intense VHO or T-5 Lighting or MH's... I want one for my 29 cube but until I get my lights upgraded I need to wait. My 72 watts of PC lighting is insufficient.


New Member
I am definitely upgrading my nano to MH in the future. I know I can buy a replacement hood for my 24 gal jbj nano. It comes with 1x 150 W HQI with 14k bulb. But I seen it for 250 bucks and was jujst wondering if there is any way to upgrade without having to spend that much right now. or I woujld like to know how people are ujpgrading their nano's to MH. If anyone has any links or anything let me know, it will be greatly appreciated. thanks.


Active Member
There is a site that sells custom upgrades for nano's they have a light hood for the jbj nano and the biocube.. they give you all the accessories needed to upgrade the lighting, heat shield/reflector, wiring and fans. You get your choice of bulbs bigger fans and all the instructions to do it. You still utilize your bulbs that are in the hood but your adding 2 more. For the Bio Cube 29..24 in the DT its upgraded to 144 watts. You might be able to keep a crocea clam with that set up. do a search for nano customs... youll see it.


Active Member
For that particular clam species I really feel Halides are preferred. Of course, I feel Halides are always preferred...
How big is it? At about 4 inches almost 100% of the clam's food comes from photosynthesis. Smaller than that they need to be fed.