Can my QT support this?


I want to order 6 green chromis for my DT... I don't have any schooling fish. I QT all of my fish for 3 weeks in a 32 gallon tank with a HOB filter. This tank, empty as of yesterday, has had ~3" worth of fish in it for approximately 8 weeks. Will this tank be able to support the addition of 6 chromis in one day for QT? Or is there some other way that I should do it?


I'm new at this, so take any of my ideas with a grain of salt. If I understand you correctly you are worried about the ability of the bacteria in the QT to process the nitrogenous wastes of the chromis. You could move fish from the display back to the QT, immediately the 3" fish + maybe another few inches, and then migrate another fish backwards a week later or so. When the chromis arrive move all the fish that have moved from the DT -> QT back into the DT and the chromis replace their bioload in the QT. This will hopefully have increased the ability of the QT to handle the bioload.


Active Member
except it's stressful to the fish.
just ghost feed the QT with some flake until you get the fish in there.


Active Member
No, that is a bad idea to mess with the fish in your display tank when you can get the same desired effect MODERATELY ghost feeding the QT.


Active Member
6 chromis is probably the same bioload as 2 normal fish, so as stated just do moderate (a pinch) and keep an eye on ammonia