Can Nanos with Stand Be Knocked Over?


Since we hope to be moving soon, the plan was to buy a new nano tank, set that up in the new house, let it cycle, then move our livestock into it while our big tank gets moved and mini-cycles. (we took all water last time, and it only took 1 week for a mini-cycle to happen, so we're doing that again, this time on a much shorter trip)
Anyway, my question is on the nanos themselves. We were considering a 24gal nano cube with pedestal stand. It looks like it would be easily knocked over. Is this perception correct?
Also, are we correct in our understanding that nanos come with everything you need built in - lights, circulation, etc?


never had a nano on a stand before, so I don't know the answer to that one. But I do know that many people have these aquariums and if there was a big problem with them falling over on the stands, it would be well publicized. They're pretty well-made, so I don't think it's a common problem.
And yes, they come with all the basics built in. Of course, you'll have to add sand, LR, water, livestock, etc. This can be just as expensive as the system itself. A lot of people also like to mod the system to add more flow, better filtration, sump lighting, or anything else conceivable. But, out of the box, they do not require any additional equipment. They're the least expensive way to set up a reliable tank.


Actually I feel the same way, I also think they are sort of crappy. I bought a $40 pine table from Ikea and reinforced the middle of the table with cinder blocks in the middle. I like it because it is the perfect height to fit in between my couches and is not too tall for viewing from my couch. Its only like 22" high, so unless you could pick up the 300 lb tank then it couldn't be knocked over.


Thanks for two great, though somewhat contradictory, answers!

I think a nano is what we want, I just need more opinions on whether the "pedestal" nano stands I see in all the LFS and online are stable or not.
Perhaps someone who has one? How precarious is it?
My impression from looking at it is that someone casually backing into it could possibly knock it over, and that someone stumbling and hitting it with any force would definitely send it to the floor. Please tell opinions if you have one, especially if you had issues!


I have a Nano Cube deluxe on a pedestal stand. While it has never been knocked over, it is just like anything else, if you hit it hard enough it will tip over. That can also be said of my Nissan Pathfinder
. But with the pedestal stands the center of gravity is higher so the potential for disaster is higher as this creates a situation where it can be knocked over with less force. The lower the CG the more force required to tip it. I have not (knock on wood) had any problems with it in the 4 years it has been set up. But you will definitely have to be more careful, or place it in a spot with less traffic and kids. Hope this helps.


Active Member
I have the aqaupod 24 and stand. The stand is fine as long as you dont push it or such. Like you said, a full grown man stumbles and falls into it, and IS going over though.
When I clean the glass, the tank wobbles, if that gives you an idea. But mine is in a bedroom corner, so I dont think it is an issue.
Also, mine is on carpet, and with the four little bottom caster things on it, it doenst really sit well. I should have left the riser things off of the base, so it would be more stable. I was in a hurry to get it built and not thinking...LOL


At my LFS the other day I noticed they are selling new, wider stands for nanos that look a lot more stable. Just thought I'd add that tidbit for anyone reading this thread!


Active Member
Seeing as youre moving things over temporarily from a larger tank, take into account that most 24/29 gallon nanos come with 32 watt PC lighting, which as you probably know isnt going to be enough. Good luck on the move though. My nano is on a stable nightstand, so Im not sure about the pedestals.


Originally Posted by paintballer768
Seeing as youre moving things over temporarily from a larger tank, take into account that most 24/29 gallon nanos come with 32 watt PC lighting, which as you probably know isnt going to be enough. Good luck on the move though. My nano is on a stable nightstand, so Im not sure about the pedestals.
I also have a hospital tank, ~15 gal, which has dual PC lights installed. I will probably put the coral in there. A couple of mushrooms have survived many months in there, but then again these are annoying ones that reproduce like crazy, sort of an aquatic weed I can't get rid of. I'm hoping that'll keep the frogspawn alive for a week or two until the display tank stabilizes.