Can Somebody Tell Me What This Red Thing Is?

i am here

My tank is now about 4 months old. It seems like all of a sudden I am getting all kinds of new activity around the tank. This is actually something that was in sight long enough to take a picture. When I first saw it, it looked like something that was rooted and growing up out of the sand. But then it disappeared. It looks like fine red thread or bristles off a brush. Can anyone clue me in please. Thanks.


Active Member
It is a very beneficial worm that lives in your sandbed. I forget the name of them. Bang Guy would know if he sees this thread. I have them too, and they love to eat fish poop.

bang guy

It's a Cirratulid Worm. The common name is Hair Worm. It's also a type of Bristle Worm (polychaete).