can someone help me please?


Active Member
I have a picture of my problem mushroom. Having problems downsizing this photo. Would someone be willing to send me their email so I can get this problem identified?
The photo is rather large and a bit on the blurred side but you would know what my concern is.
Debbie :help:


Active Member
Debbie, some more info might be helpful. how long has it been shrivled up like this. All your tank specs would be nice any thing you have done differently.


Active Member
Thank you so much for posting this for me. I would love to know how you posted this picture and how you made it smaller so I can post if I need to again. :yes:
As for my specs: Salinity is between 1.022-1.024 the nitrate, nitrite and ammonia are all in check. The only thing I have done differently is I started feeding my two mushrooms and the ricordia.
As soon as I would place some brineshrimp on this mushroom it would close up right away. The last time I did feed it (last week) I did give it quite a bit of brine shrimp.
Other than that, nothing else has changed, it has been moving from that piece of shell it is on and latching onto the rock. Everything else is the same.
There is not fuzzy stuff coming out of it, other than the neat pattern or white on the top of it. I can lift it with stick, so it seems to be just sitting there. But there is some of the same color flesh like as the mushroom with this white pattern on the top.
What do mushrooms look like when they have babies or split?
Thanks again and i would love to know how to post pictures


How did you feed these mushrooms and was that the first one you fed?


Active Member
Thank you so much for posting this for me. I would love to know how you posted this picture and how you made it smaller so I can post if I need to again.
Use any photo editing program, like Paint, paint shop pro, etc. Then just resize the pic to less than 500x500 pixels. Sorry, that is as detailed as I can get.


Active Member
Hi, no this was not the first mushroom I fed. But when the brineshrimp was unthawed it put it onto a stick that I use for moving things in my tank. It is my "tank stick". I placed the brineshrimp in the center of the mushroom. It folded up to eat it and this was the third time I had done this. It never did this before.


Just guessing here but looking at the mushroom pic I would say that it is suffering from saltburn. Is it at all possible that a dried flake of salt was on your tank stick that might just have possibly fallen onto the mushroom?


Active Member
I don't think so but i don't know for sure. Brineshrimp is salty to begin with. The other mushroom and the ricordia are fine and were fed the same way.
Well it seems to be okay, I will just have to watch it and not feed it anymore for a while if it makes it.


New Member
My mushroom has been looking like that for the past month now. It used to open big and wide about2.5" in diamter. now it just stays shriveled up. When I first noticed it, my salinity was on the higher side. 1.028 But thats been fixed ever since, and it still stays all small and shriveled. Not sure what the prob is. Goodluck, and if you figure out the reason, please pass that info on to me