Can someone help with photo shop?


Can anyone photo shop the trash can out of this picture and have it look real?
I have my house for sale and this is an archived photo from the insurance company from a couple years ago. My trees and stuff have grown quite a bit since then and I can't get a good pic so the one I have on the MLS sucks but my realtor doesn't want to use this way better pic because the trash can is in the pic.
so can anyone help?


Active Member
I totally got you covered. I can't really remove it. So instead I covered it with the rabid oppossum. It looks so natural. LEt me know how it works out for ya.


Active Member
Around here the vets say its rare in deed to find a oppossum with rabies, even though rabies are very prevalent. Now fox, coyote and coon is another story, but its been many many years since there was a case of a oppossum with rabies in this state.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NPage
Here ya go. I took the liberty of removing the car too.
Good luck selling your house.
Wow that's incredible. (I am still partial to my opossum.) I think you should get a percentage of the selling price for your work!!!


That would be very nice of me to provide a %. If it were only so easy. this market SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! for selling houses. Even though everything has been remodeled inside. Stupid housing market. But I dig the oppossum for sure.


Keep the percentage. You'll probably need it. I just bought a new house in March and sold my old townhouse 3 months later. What a pain in the a**! Nothing like having 2 mortgages.

Again... Good Luck!


Originally Posted by shogun323
I totally got you covered. I can't really remove it. So instead I covered it with the rabid oppossum. It looks so natural. LEt me know how it works out for ya.
you should be a realitor... :notsure: I would buy that house with wild animals in my front yard... good job


Hampden and Chambers in Aurora. Over 2,500 sq ft. Huge yard. 3 bd, 3 bath. Large basement. Remodeled kitchen. Newer roof and carpet. Lots of new all around in the house. Asking $207,000. Email me at for more details.