can someone id these pls

not sure, but it almost looks like a bunch of little xenia, but could be wrong, tryed to get a good pic, but this is the best out of about 30 pics, its on the front of the rock just under the shrooms TIA
lol no, should i have? its on the other side of the rock too, also a very small patch of them, they hichicked in on our shroom frag.


Active Member
I always try to touch new stuff in my tank to see if they sting, stick, shrink. Unless it looks like something that shouldn't be touched. Helps me get a better idea of what I'm looking at, and helps me give a better description when I'm trying to get help on it.
lol, i never touch stuff, most the time i can get an ID without doing so, anyone else know if its xenia or something else? if i can ill try and get a better close up.


One appears to be a harmless fan worm in the upper left, as I can see the white tube, if the others are coming from a white tube (which I can't tell from the pic) then they are the same. If not then I suggest a search on hydroids.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd guess some sort of hydroids or feather dusters...I have a large number of relatively small dusters that look like what you are concerned about.:cool:
found this pic, it ALMOST looks like it, but there so small its hard to tell, what do you guys think, this is a waving hand pollup


Active Member
Hey, if it's obviously scary looking I'm not gonna touch it. I know better on a lion and a stone, I hope.


i'm gonna jump on the band wagon and say some type of duster. I literally have a hundred of dusters in my 55, all small of various colors and shapes even. Great diversity imo.
As a side note, I dont dose phyto very often, with the large number of dusters that I have as an indicator (and they seem to multiple like mad) should I dose sometimes or is there enough in the system? I onyl have mushrooms and rics and a few zoos that would eat it as well.
well the reason i think it might be xenia is that when we got it from the LFS, the tanks our frags came out of were almost all just about over run with xenias, they were EVERYWHERE, on the glass, powerheads, everything, can anyone give me a for sure id on it? i dont want to kill them if its xenia, and our peppermint shrimp wont touch it, but they killed the apis. that was on that rock already, so i dont know.