can someone Id this fish for me

crypt keeper

Active Member
Koran. Big and ugly when fully grown IMO. take it back. Emp has a circle where the koran has a curved line right before the tail.
My Emp at about the same size


He (the owner) had it marked at $100 as an emporer angel. I should have done more research, but I asked the owner if he was certain it was an emporer and that I thought emporers had a complete circle pattern. The owner told me that the circles develop in the later stages of change as a juvenile. I asked the owner if he had a book on marine fish so we could be sure, and the pic in the book showed the juvi emporer w/ full circles. There wasn't a pic of a Koran in his book and he swore up and down it was in fact an emporer. I bought the fish for $90, brought it home started acclimation and did some research. After I got your response and did more research I took the fish back to the LFS 25 minutes away. The owner was mad and honestly I didn't think he was gonna refund my money. I told him I was certain that the fish was a Koran and he laughed and said "certain huh". He himmed and hawed and finally threw my check back at me. I won't buy anything else from him again because of this. I have a 240 gallon reef tank that is full of coral, I don't even want to know how much money he is losing over this. I told him I just want to be sure that I'm not getting an "adult ugly coral eating monster". I'll take my chances with an emporer as they are stunning as adults. My tank is 5 years mature and has plenty of live sponge and algae for a large angel to thrive. I'm ordering one tonight from

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you can swing the money get an Christmas Island Emperor. 1000 x more gorgeous than a regular. Also get the angel formula with sponges. It will decimate your sponges in a few months. I feed mine everything but I give him the sponge formula every other day

crypt keeper

Active Member
I paid $100. It's a Red Sea emperor. They are prettier than other emps from other areas except the Christmas Island. All large angels are prone to nipping or eating. I think having a natural food source may actually make one more prone to nipping or eating. I would get one in the 3 inch range. Keep it on a mixed diet. Emps are meat eaters as well. Mine loves mysis shrimp


I had an emp angel in my 140 the best fish ive ever owned so much personality colors were gorgeous i kept soft corals with him in the tank a large polyp colony aslo mushrooms and xenia and he never nipped anything. I kept up on feeding him a variety of food i think that might be why.
I moved and hired my LFS to move my tank for me and in the process they killed my emop!

He was a juvi with some yellow starting to turn his colors.
I want to get another one soon i just hope the new one will be as good as my last. I currently have a passer angel in my tank now with Alot of softy corals and he does not touch any either.


O and my LFS has done that before too put a koran up for sale as an emp. The owner dosnt quite know the diffrence but his son who runs the place has fixed it. He knows his s#!&. He is the only one there i will actually get information from.


wow christmas Island emps are the price of my octo 250 skimmer. I might have to live with a red sea speciman. Thanks for the replies, I'm gonna check to see how much an lfs can get me one for, before I pull the trigger