can someone make this pic smaller so i can fit it to my avatar? THANKS :D


Active Member
If you are only going to use it for this site, right click the image they create and copy it to a folder, then upload to SWF. Or you can simply use windows paint and stretch/skew until your image is 100x100 pixels (80x80) I believe is industry standard.


Active Member
That was kinda fun, too.
Don't know why my last one turned out grainy, but yours look pretty good Farmboy.


Active Member
I just used the "stretch/skew" function under "image" in the pull down menu. I guess squished instead of stretched would be more like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
I just used the "stretch/skew" function under "image" in the pull down menu. I guess squished instead of stretched would be more like it.

That's what I do ,too. The last one got grainy when I opened it like it didn't save correctly or something. My dell does funky stuff sometimes.
It is proof of AI.