I have been battling hair algae for the past 4 months, I have done like 8 water changes in this time of about half the total water volume each time. All my water is rodi and I have replaced the filters in the rodi unit in the past two months. My test on phosphates is at zero and my nitrates were less than 10. I have replaced my metal halide bulbs that were currently around 8 months old. There have been no fish in the tank now for 3 months only coarl and live rock so there has been no fish food going in the tank for 3 months. Why want this algae stop growing? I have scrubbed the live rock several times and it still keeps coming back. One other thing why is it that I have checked my local fish stores water when I have purchaced somthing from them and there nitrates were like 40 and they never have any hair algae problems. It just seems like the ones here who try to keep there water paremeters where they need to be or at least as low as possible have these problems and the local fish stores whos numbers is out the roof seem to never have these algae problems, is there somthing here I am missing? Sorry for being so long winded but this is about to drive me nuts. Thanks for any help.