Can someone please id


New Member
I just go this coral today (about 2 hours ago) and already forgot what its called.
so anyone that can help thank you.


Active Member
or their 'street' name for people who don't remember clavularia sp. -- Clove polyps. it looks like you've got them in a good area.


Well-Known Member

Where did you place them in the tank? I have had mine a week and it still isn't fully bloomed.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by urizen
cool thank you for the help. I have them on a rock at the bottom of the tank.

What kind of flow is at the bottom of your tank? What kind of light do you have? Sorry to keep pressing..but I run MH lights 175W X 2 and have high flow near the bottom and a sleeper goby that like to burry corals. ...mine are at the middle of the tank but low flow...if I can duplicate your spot, mine might finally open up completely.
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
I keep mine at the bottom of the tank and in the lowest flow spot available. They're WAY out.


New Member
I have a 96 watt compact flourecent on a 15 gallon tank with an aquaclear 110.
I have no power heads, or protien skimmer, but should I invest in either one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by urizen
I have a 96 watt compact flourecent on a 15 gallon tank with an aquaclear 110.
I have no power heads, or protien skimmer, but should I invest in either one?
No power head? What do you have that is providing some sort of flow in the tank?
If you don't have any flow..then yes, you should have a powerhead and even if you have something adding flow then you'll probably want additional flow that a powerhead can provide.
In my opinion a skimmer is also a good investment.


New Member
I just have the aquaclear for flow it seems to be a good amount.
and id really like a protien skimmer but ill need to find one that hangs on the back thats also for around a 20 gallon tank. if anyone knows of one please let me know.


Active Member
I think AquaC remora has a nano sized skimmer now. I have the full size and it's honestly the best piece of equipment I have.. a little expensive but you get what you pay for.


New Member
I just looked up the skimmer. its pretty nice ill see if i can find one next week.. but i relized i dont have much room on the back of my tank to hang it(4-5 inchs). the 110 aquaclear is pretty big. do you thing the 110 is a little to much? it filters 500gph. i was thinking about getting the 70 so ill have room for the skimmer. what do you think?


Active Member
Not sure about other types of skimmers to be honest. Just make sure that yours is rated for the size tank you have. You don't want something too big.