Can someone recommend a good beginners book to a noob?


New Member
Hey everyone.
I am new to the message boards as well as new to saltwater fish/marine tanks in general. I need to do a lot of reading first before I get my first tank set up, but I prefer to read a book instead of page after page of info on a computer monitor.
Can anyone with lots of experience recommend a really good book for beginners that I can purchase? Something that a total noob like myself could really benefit from. I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks a lot.
Jeff H.


Active Member
I am a firm believer in the Conscientious Marine Aquarist. Yes, it is outdated in a few things, but basicly an extremely good book on the basics. Then you can understand the reasoning behind the answers you get from this site. It is a good basic book.


I'm one like you, but for the book i tink the natural reef aquariums by jhon h tullock you can find here in and also marine fish i don't remember the autor on this one


I really like "The Marine Aquarium" a Mini Encyclopedia by D.. i... ck Mills published in 2004. Its a great book you can tote around, covers everything from setup to maintence and a great section on fish with info very much like the info on the fish at this website.
Oh and its only $15


Active Member
learn ammonia-nitrite-nitrate-air from any book before you start a cycle. most books have a chapter on it.
then get a test kit for yourself to do them. be very precise on your drops so the color is good. i always do mine from the same window in the morning. keep a log of these everyday until your cycle is done. i say the same time so you get the same light for readings. it's like slamming the snooze button but it's got to be done.
conceintious is old, but there's some basic water chemistry in there everyone needs to know. i don't recommend it b/c it has some bad advice in there as well. outdated i should say as it was popular belief back then.
i honestly am surprised that i can't say a book. my mom's been a librarian all my life and i'm pretty sure there's only a couple books i don't own on animals. somebody needs to step up and write us salty's a new book. (thought about it, but it wouldn't fly without the doctorate.)