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The bank 'tax' will actually have the reverse effect than what its 'intended' implementation is suppose to address. There would be ways to make it a tax that encourages lending, not the reverse.
But, returning to the Glass-Steagall regulation of either being an investment or commercial bank, but not both, makes sense. After all, its repeal in 1999 is what created "institutions too big to fail." If Lehman or Wamu were mixed banks they wouldn't have been allowed to fail...
They are talking about taxing certain transactions, I don't see that as encouraging investment.
What has really shocked me is I didn't think the Democrats could possibly be tone death to the point they would pull out the "it's not out agenda that's wrong, we just need to do a better job of explaining it" line and directly after Tuesday's election it seemed they had learned but as time goes by I'll be damned if that isn't exactly what they are doing. Gibbs and Axlerod were both doing the Sunday shows and trying to make the case the election wasn't about health care or Obama's tactics. HELLO?