can someone suggest a compatable fish


I currently have a 54 gal corner with power quad lighting (192 watts). Substrate is fine grain sand - about 2 1/2 inches deep.
Livestock: Clarkii Clown, Flame Hawk, Royal Gramma, Fire shrimp, astrea and Mexican turbo snails, miniature reef hermit crabs, mushrooms and button polyps.
I am looking for something to replace a yellow tang that was about 4 years old. I think he finally just gave it up.


not sure if I want another tang or not... was kinda thinking of a foxface but need to study up on them before making a decision.


Active Member
A kole tang might work. A foxface will get too large for a 54 gallon tank. You need to watch out for the clarkii he is going to be a holy terror (maybe) when he grows up.


The Clarkii *IS* grown up! When I got the tank, it was an established tank. There was a small yellow tail blue damsel in the tank and had been there quite a while. I guess the move disrupted everything. The Clarkii took out the damsel. I added the royal gramma to replace the damsel and everthing has been peacefull for about 10 months.


I had thought about a LMB, but my wife really wants more color in the tank. I love the idea of a LMB. I guess I am really looking for somthing to eat algae and be colorful. My tang never ate algae. I have a constant battle with hair algae - the hermits or tang wouldn't go near it!


I am already looking at adding a pink and blue watchman goby. Will the LMB eat hair algae of the rock, or just the glass?


I know, I have tried everything to get rid of it - reduced lighting to about 8 hrs./day. I only feed 3 times per week (1 cube of frozen mysis shrimp or 1 cube of brine shrimp alternated) and DT't phyto according to directions on the bottle. All of the food is eaten - rarely do I see any hit the bottom and if that happens the crabs or shrimp get to that. I only use RO/DI for water cahnges and top off. I do a 15-20% water change every 3 weeks. My nitrate and phosphate levels are not elevated and I have excellent circulation. I continue to have hair alge and cyano (red slime) - I am getting very frustrated with it.


Active Member
the phyto could be doing it. often dosing per the bottles instructions is far too much. try cutting your phyto dosing in half and see if that helps.


Active Member
How about a pygmy angel? A coral beauty or flame would be a nice addition. They do eat algea off the rocks and your tank sounds healthy and stable.
Good Luck!


Active Member

Originally posted by tangsfornuttin
Interesting - how would adding too much phytoplankton have an effect on hair algae?

I dunno, phosphates maybe? I just recall someone mentioning that they dose phyto until hair algae starts then ease back a bit. At the time I was having hair algae problems myself so i tried cutting back my dosage of phyto and it fixed it for me. Maybe spinning around and jumping three times would've worked just as well--this hobby is, after all, as much vodoo as science :D


Active Member
I was thinking along the lines of Jumpfrog, maybe an dwarf angel. If your looking for the yellow color, like the tang, maybe a lemonpeel angel. (***I haven't read up on these angels, just a suggestion worth looking at if you like the idea***)


I must agree the flame angel is very pretty and can eat polyps. If I had your setups I would consider it.