Can someone tell me what these are?


I did something that probably was not a good idea. The LFS was having a 40% off sale on their coral. I could not resist buying these two soft corals. I simply went in there to just get some more Kent buffer and I walked out with these. I thought the receipt would have the name of the coral on it but it does not. Could someone ID these for me???
I hope I did not buy something that is over my head. The LFS guy said they are easy to take care of. Of course they say that about everything.
What are your recommendation for feeding too. Is it just the suppliments and light?

nm reef

Active Member
Looks like a colt coral and a finger leather...can't say for certain though.If thats what they are they should be fairly easy to maintain...moderate light & current...stable water.


It does not seem like a leather...It has tentacles well they look like tentacles to me anyways. I comes out of a hard base like branches. Hard for me to discribe.


pic is blurry, but i say colt and either a torch or a frogspwn... most likley a torch


I read about the torch coral on this website and it describes the tentacles being single tiped. This one has a few finger like tips on each tentacle. Would that still be a torch coral?
Besides that, it does look like the picture at I am hoping it is not because it describes it as difficult. That would not be good for me.


Thank you. So it looks like I bought something that my lights can't handle. All I have right now is 260w pc on my 55g. As of right now I have it right in the middle of my tank with medium flow. Is there anyway that I can keep this coral? The swf website describes it as difficult and needs strong light.


Thanks tecofish. I just moved him to the highest rock in my aquarium. Hopefully he will do okay. What do you feed them? All I am putting in the water at this time is coral vite at this time.