Can Tang Crossbreed?


Active Member
Hey I just got a blue tang and a yellow tang, and wow they do get along and the swim together like my clownfish do. every time i see those tang their always swimming together. Can they Crossbreed?


Active Member
They are of different genuses, so they shouldn't be able to cross-breed.
However, Centropyge angels sometimes cross breed and there are some pretty interesting hybrids in that genus.

bang guy

Those two fish are not very closely related and will not interbreed. There are tangs that interbreed but as pointed out they are in the same Genus.
Your fish are staying together as an act of hostility. The stress of that will significantly shorten their lifespan and they will be less immune to disease.


Your fish are staying together as an act of hostility. The stress of that will significantly shorten their lifespan and they will be less immune to disease.
That and you tank is way too small for either fish once they are bigger to keep both as adults you would probably need at least a 150 gallon.