can these fish live together


New Member
i am wondering if i can keep a all theas fish togther in a 77gal.
Radiata lionfish medium size
blue throat trigger
dogface puffer- maybe a different kind not sure yet
thanks for your help


Id go for it. The puffer may have issues with crowding and aggression against the lion as it grows, but Ive seen it done with long term success. Anything you might be interested in switching out the puffer for?


Trigger may chop fins of the lion - I had read horror stories about triggers and lions. Don't have the trigger, though, lion only.
Your tank is not too big - and lionfish and puffer will grow large - may be only one of them, and the other replace by a smaller fish?


Active Member
blue throats and sargassums r the safest, then pink throat and hawaiian black and young nigers, and then the rest of triggers.


my niger and volitan get along just great. don't know about a puffer yet. definitely would not go with a box fish. those things can cause major problems.
i'd say by reading as many of these things as i have read, you should be pretty well set with the blue throat, the lion and a puffer.
good luck