Can they fit???


Im building a 90 Gal. reef and i wanna no if i can put all of these fish in it.I plan on putting 90-135 pounds of LR.Heres a list of what i want.Flame Angel,Blackcap Basslet,Royal Gramma,YEllow longnose Butterflyfish,2 Ocellaris Clownfish,Firefish,Yellow watchman Goby,Blue Tang,Six line Wrasse,Spotted Mandarinfish.I wanna know if i can have all these fish and stilll have like 5 shrimp,10 snails,10 hermits,and have lots of corals.Thanks for the help.

reef fool

Active Member
In my opinion, you will definitely have too many fish in a 90. Especially if you want to have "lots of corals" and 135 lbs. of LR.
You definitely should forget the Hippo (blue) tang. I had mine for two years in a 125 and it seemed to need more room to swim when it got bigger so I sold it to someone with a 300 gallon tank. A 4 ft. tank with a hippo tang is a bad idea IMHO.
Also, you may want to forget the longnose butterfly and possibly the flame angel for coral reasons.
As far as the Mandarin, you should wait several months to a year before trying one and chances are that the sixline wrasse(which is a great fish) will have depleted the pod population to the point where your manderin will probably starve over time.(happened to me)
Another thing to check out is if you can put the gramma and the black cap together since they are both basslets. I have no experience with these 2 fish, just a thought.
Hope this helps