Can this tank be salvaged? What to do for dirty, neglected tanks?


Active Member
I love xenia, yes it can get out of control, but its easy to peel off the rocks, and there are some people who just cant keep it. Most lfs will take it in trade, its a poor shipper so sometimes its hard to get
for your 55 gal, yes, you can fill it with half new saltwater, then when you get your fish home, you can use some of the old tank water. You dont need sand, but you can add the rocks with corals on them to help with the bio-load.


Thanks to all!!! Just spent a day moving and cleaning this tank. The aquarium specialist said it was one of the worst he has seen and it hasnt been maintained/cleaned in 5 months or more. :( The tank came with a maroon clown, clown, hippo tang, damsel, blood shrimp, and a serpent starfish. The clowns get along, the maroon keeps to himself and sweeps the sand in the corner.
I am now finding out that I should rehome the Damsel asap as he seems to be stressing out the Hippo tang and trying to invade and claim every cave that the Tang likes to hide in. Catching the Damsel will not be fun. Ideas?
The Hippo tang seemed to be the most stressed. He jumped out of the net and on to the floor during the transfer. He was lying on his side, super stressed while we drove home. We immediately hooked him up to a bubbler. He recovered fast, but now, 24 hours later- he seems to have some ich spots on his face. I was thinking of buying 2 more cleaner shrimp for him?? I read that I probably shouldn't use meds since we have some corals. Maybe I can mince some garlic into his food? When should I quarantine him for meds?
I will post the pics of the tank as soon as I figure out how to upload from my camera. :D
By the way, our aquarium guy said we have some infestation of some type of worms? He said to get some arrowhead crabs? I am going to search for them and some other cleaners.


Active Member
To catch the damsels, put a net in the tank and let it sit... half in and half out of the tank... for an hour. Gradually start moving it for half an hour... then lure them with food and try to catch them while they're intrigued by it.


That's a great tip, thanks!
Here are some pics of the set-up....hopefully gave the fish a new lease on life! Tested pH and NH4+ today, all good. That's a step in the right direction...
Now to just figure out what t5 HO lights I can upgrade to (the tank has fluorescent) you guys think I can get one or two fixtures made by Solarmaxhe2 Double T5 10000k Strip W/led 48" ??? Im on a budget. Please recommend...

This recovery is the handy work of South Florida Aquarium Specialist, Daniel Noto of


Edit: I dont know how much I love the editor.I tried to edit a comment and instead, it double posted my comment. Sigh. Cant figure out how to delete comments either.


Xenia is cool stuff, and IME, it either "likes" a tank or doesn't.
An easy way to kill it if you don't like it is to raise the tank's temp to 82*F+...the stuff will literally "melt" away.

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Originally Posted by FoxandHound http:///t/388629/can-this-tank-be-salvaged-what-to-do-for-dirty-neglected-tanks/20#post_3429813
Thanks to all!!! Just spent a day moving and cleaning this tank. The aquarium specialist said it was one of the worst he has seen and it hasnt been maintained/cleaned in 5 months or more. :( The tank came with a maroon clown, clown, hippo tang, damsel, blood shrimp, and a serpent starfish. The clowns get along, the maroon keeps to himself and sweeps the sand in the corner.
I am now finding out that I should rehome the Damsel asap as he seems to be stressing out the Hippo tang and trying to invade and claim every cave that the Tang likes to hide in. Catching the Damsel will not be fun. Ideas?
The Hippo tang seemed to be the most stressed. He jumped out of the net and on to the floor during the transfer. He was lying on his side, super stressed while we drove home. We immediately hooked him up to a bubbler. He recovered fast, but now, 24 hours later- he seems to have some ich spots on his face. I was thinking of buying 2 more cleaner shrimp for him?? I read that I probably shouldn't use meds since we have some corals. Maybe I can mince some garlic into his food? When should I quarantine him for meds?
I will post the pics of the tank as soon as I figure out how to upload from my camera. :D
By the way, our aquarium guy said we have some infestation of some type of worms? He said to get some arrowhead crabs? I am going to search for them and some other cleaners.
The worms are probably bristle worms great CUC but awful when you get an infestation. take all the LR out and then ''cure'' the rock it will STINK but it works.


Thanks everyone...great advice.
Got a pressing question on many lumens is too much for a 75 gallon tank? The real question is should I go with Marineland LED or a much cheaper custom build from LFS?
Here are my options...
1.) Marineland LED Reef Capable Lights, has 36 White Lights, 6 Blue Lights (all 1 Watt each, 2610 Lumens in total) $350
2.) No name brand, Made to order LED fixture, has 46 White Lights, 8 Blue Lights (all 1 Watt each, 3330 Lumens in total) $190
Which is the better option for me? I am afraid the second option, although cheaper may lead to an algae explosion or be too much lighting???


I wouldn't worry about the bristleworms (if that's what the LFS guy meant)...they're actually a good part of the CUC. However, if you don't like them, or want to thin them out, give the LR a hypersalinity treatment. Get a white 5 gal bucket, and fill it with SW @ SG 1.040. Sit the rock in it for 10 mins or so. The salinity will run most of the critters out of the rock, then you can add the rock back to the tank, and the white bucket makes it easy to save any hitchhikers you want to keep.
In terms of lighting, what types of coral are you interested in keeping? Some require lots of light, others, not so much, and even others, none at all.
You'll likely have to treat the tang for ****** in a hospital tank. Unfortunately, the Paracanthurus hepatus is one of the worst "ich magnets" out there, and they get LARGE (a foot or so). It will soon outgrow that 4' tank, and will be a "pacer" even before that.


I had a TON of bristle worms that came in all my live rock when I first got my tank all set up. They kinda freaked me out! I got a falco hawkfish, and he thinned them out considerably. Plus he was a really rad fish.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by FoxandHound http:///t/388629/can-this-tank-be-salvaged-what-to-do-for-dirty-neglected-tanks/20#post_3430008
Thanks everyone...great advice.
Got a pressing question on many lumens is too much for a 75 gallon tank? The real question is should I go with Marineland LED or a much cheaper custom build from LFS?
Here are my options...
1.) Marineland LED Reef Capable Lights, has 36 White Lights, 6 Blue Lights (all 1 Watt each, 2610 Lumens in total) $350
2.) No name brand, Made to order LED fixture, has 46 White Lights, 8 Blue Lights (all 1 Watt each, 3330 Lumens in total) $190
Which is the better option for me? I am afraid the second option, although cheaper may lead to an algae explosion or be too much lighting???
Neither. Stick to something that is going to work for you. A 4 foot tank, IMHO, should always go with T5HO lighting. LED lights just don't give enough PAR. Even though the Lumen values might be high out of water for LEDs, Underwater, they lumen values greatly drop off and become negligible. Unless it's a high end, very expensive LED fixture, or a DIY LED fixture with CREE 3w LEDs, I don't think it's worth investing in LEDs.
I found this system:
48" - 324 Watts - (3x54 Watt 10K Daylight + 3x54 Watt 460nm Actinic) $353.54 +9.99 handling
It's about the same price as the one you are looking at, and it's a 6 bulb T5HO system. Individual reflectors, fans, etc. found it on petmountain.
I also found some 4x54w T5HO systems for around $240, that would be good enough for some soft corals and a couple LPS if kept high in the tank.
I just wouldn't go with LEDs yet, unless you have the money to shell out for a really high end system.


Man, thanks, about to order a new 4x54w T5HO system though I keep wondering why I cant just use those bulbs in my fixture??? Does the fixture have to be t5HO rated??
We have bristleworms and tons of babies on one rock. It's looking like a possible infestation. I have also removed 4 fireworms from the tank. I guess I should get an arrowhead crab to take care of these various worms? An arrowhead crab was advised, but we were might cause problems to the corals and CUC community. Is there a backup plan that doesnt involve curing the rock? Could I soak the rock in freshwater? Or could a Falco Hawkfish get along with the crew?
Right now, we have a maroon clown, regular clown (?), blue hippo tang, coral beauty fish, & blood shrimp.
My girlfriend wants to get a foxface and a copperband butterfly, and some more CUC, a peppermint shrimp. Good? Bad? I've researched the combinations and they seem OK, but I'm not 100%.
Here's the cool part ****** the fish have personalties that became apparent in just a few days. The maroon clown is a sand sweeping lunatic,oblivious to all. The other clown is happy go lucky, but at night, he sleeps among pillows of Xenia coral. The blue tang is swimming buddies with the clown, but she and blood shrimp share a cave for sleeping.
Everyone is pretty chill except that awful velvet damsel like a bat out of hell. He's in quarantine, we will rehome him or just give him to the LFS. Not sure how that works....does the LFS credit you or they just take fish off your hands? We didnt buy him, he came with the tank.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by FoxandHound http:///t/388629/can-this-tank-be-salvaged-what-to-do-for-dirty-neglected-tanks/20#post_3430795
Man, thanks, about to order a new 4x54w T5HO system though I keep wondering why I cant just use those bulbs in my fixture??? Does the fixture have to be t5HO rated?? T5 bulbs are 5/8" diameter, which is way too small to fit in the sockets of your standard T12 florescent light fixture. T5's also require a different ballast, so you're better off buying a new fixture. You could look into buying a retrofit kit. I know there are some retrofit kits out there that are much, much cheaper then a fixture, but you have to do the electrical work yourself. Most people don't want to take that chance.
We have bristleworms and tons of babies on one rock. It's looking like a possible infestation. I have also removed 4 fireworms from the tank. I guess I should get an arrowhead crab to take care of these various worms? An arrowhead crab was advised, but we were might cause problems to the corals and CUC community. Is there a backup plan that doesnt involve curing the rock? Could I soak the rock in freshwater? Or could a Falco Hawkfish get along with the crew? A fish would be a good way to maintain your bristle worm population. I've seen some six line wrasses (reef safe) pick on them. You'll have to contend with the fireworms yourself. You could pick up an arrowhead crab, but you need to be aware of the impact it might make on your invert population.
Right now, we have a maroon clown, regular clown (?), blue hippo tang, coral beauty fish, & blood shrimp.
My girlfriend wants to get a foxface and a copperband butterfly, and some more CUC, a peppermint shrimp. Good? Bad? I've researched the combinations and they seem OK, but I'm not 100%. Your 55g is already maxed out with large fish. Putting a Foxface in there would unnecessarily stress your tang. A copperband butterfly will nip at your corals. In fact, I think your tank is already too small for your blue hippo tang - which should have a longer swimming distance than 4 foot. But, I wasn't going to say anything, I don't want to be the "tang police."
Here's the cool part ****** the fish have personalties that became apparent in just a few days. The maroon clown is a sand sweeping lunatic,oblivious to all. The other clown is happy go lucky, but at night, he sleeps among pillows of Xenia coral. The blue tang is swimming buddies with the clown, but she and blood shrimp share a cave for sleeping. Yup, all fish have their own personalities. You'll start to see some personalities come out in your clean up crew too... Some shrimp have awesome personalities. I had a cleaner shrimp that would come feed out of my hand, and clean the dead skin off my hand. It was pretty cool. :D
Everyone is pretty chill except that awful velvet damsel like a bat out of hell. He's in quarantine, we will rehome him or just give him to the LFS. Not sure how that works....does the LFS credit you or they just take fish off your hands? We didnt buy him, he came with the tank. Usually, you would ask for store credit. Sometimes they will, sometimes they won't, depending on the species, quality, and health of the fish. Never hurts to ask for credit first, and if you still don't want him, either give him to the LFS or give him to someone whom you know can take care of it. Though, I think at the LFS you're lucky to get $0.50 for a damsel. lol.


I had my falco with a my maroon clown, and a yellow watchman goby. They all got along great. The falco...who I didn't think was that good looking at first, quickly became my favorite fish in the tank. He had the funniest personality. When I walked into the room he would start hopping around the rocks like crazy, then when I actually got up to the tank he would come to the closest rock to me and just perch there, watching me. They have such long fins in the front that while he was perching he actually looked like he was grabbing onto the rock. Super cool fish. I ended up having to get rid of him because I needed peppermint shrimp to help with an aptasia outbreak, and he kept killing them. He left EVERYTHING else alone...emerald crabs, hermits, snails, cleaner shrimp..etc...but would just attack the poor peppermints.