Can u bread a dwarf angel?????

Well, I am setting up a 25 and i really wanted to breed fish. So is the only fish you can breed a clownfish? If so do you know anything about breeding them?


Active Member
I have this really great fish fry breading, but i don't think a dwarf angel would be very filling :D , sorry but the bread thing just cracked me up. You can breed a dwarf angel but I dont' think you want to bread one :D :D


Scientists and researchers have finally figured out how to breed a few dwarf angel species. frank Baensch published 3 articles in hobbist magazine on how he breed a couple dwarfs. W/ that said, breeding these fish in uncommon and raising the fry is extremely difficult, Mr Baensch was successful becuz he figured out the dwarf angels fry's first food, the larval fry of copepods.
if you want to breed something at home try clowns, banggai cardinal, dottybacks, neon gobies or seahorses. The fry from these fish require small but do-able foods (primarily rotifers and baby brine shrimp)



Originally posted by psychoskater
Has anyone bread a dwarf angel? Is this possible???

I prefer Beer batter for my fish fry:D