Can u buy already made up saltwater??


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I buy it from my lfs. I take my own 5 gal jugs, and they fill them for about 1.00 a gal.
You can also buy ready made saltwater but it is $2 gallon from most pet shops that sell SW fish.


Active Member
Yep, a lot of lfs have premixed sw for sale. The local lfs here sells saltwater for .70 a gal or just rodi water for .50 a gal. Most times however you may have to add rodi to make it lower in SG or add salt to make it higher...... to suit what you need. The lfs I use has it at 1.023 which is good as its easy to dilute with additional rodi or add a bit of salt to increase....and not really have to wait 24 hours before use.


All I can find at the LFS is 5 gallon jugs for $16.... seems rather expensive.... I already posted this, but how long will it take instant ocean salt mix to dissolve into the RO water??


Originally Posted by drewdog82
All I can find at the LFS is 5 gallon jugs for $16.... seems rather expensive.... I already posted this, but how long will it take instant ocean salt mix to dissolve into the RO water??

***** has them for $10 or $2/gallon. It is recomended that you allow 24hrs for complete disolving of salts in fresh water before adding it to your tank. If you have an established tank the author (Conciensious Marine Aquarist) takes a cup full and adds it to the NEW water and lets it mix for a week! I have added my new mixes in as little as 10minutes but it is a habit that I have stopped in light of the difficulties I have had in maintaining specific gravity in my tank.


Active Member
i feel really sorry for all of you guys. i can get saltwater from several of my lfs' at 50 cents/gallon.
lucky me i guess


When I used to buy water from my LFS I think it was about .70 per gallon and .80 if I didn't bring back my old jugs.
But adding an RO/DI unit under my sink was the best investment.


50 cents a gallon here, buy 10 gallons month (water changes) = $5.00
25 cents a gallon r/o, buy 15 gallons month (top offs) = + $3.75

Total water for the month = $8.75 monthy or $105 yrly
Low water bill, no r/o filter changes and no messy mix or time wasted mixing = PRICELESS


What I don't like about buying my water is that they usually keep the SG at 1.023. I keep mine higher and hate having to adjust the water I've already bought for the convenience of it.


Active Member
25 gallons a month will not affect your water bill at all. You'll use more then that when you take a shower. I use the RO/DI system I have at home and waste no time driving to the LFS to get water and make adjustments. I could make 25 gallons of saltwater in less time it takes me to drive to the LFS. I also replace filters once a year and get the benefit of using the RO water for cooking and drinking.
As far as cost goes it is cheaper making it yourself and I know more about what I am getting and am able to give the water the parameters I want. Also, I spend no money at all driving my car to get water which you failed to include in your total yearly cost. So if you use just one gallon of gas each time you go get water then hmmm, at cost of about $3.00 a gallon you would have to add another $36 to your yearly cost.


That's right, my town charges us for 10,000 gallons whether we use it or not. Soon as I get this R/O-DI straight, I'll be back to using that. 1 hr drive one way at 3.00 a gal for gas and I'm paying .75 a gal for R/O-DI. And I'm going to set up a 100+gal tank, so I think not only cheaper to do it at home also a convienance(sp)


If your starting a new tank, and you filled it up completely with the already made saltwater, does that effect the cycle? Can I add fish immediately after?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TuggLife2
If your starting a new tank, and you filled it up completely with the already made saltwater, does that effect the cycle? Can I add fish immediately after?
I am not quite sure I understand what your asking, but salt water is saltwater, weather its made with dechlorinated water, rodi water, bought at the lfs, hauled home from the beach or made at home..its all saltwater.....once ammonia and nitrite levels are ZERO, yes, yuu can add fish, preferably one or so at a time spaced out over a few weeks until you reach your capacity limits.