can u id worm?


I read many posts. Don't think this is a peanut worm. Tip is different and the white bands are bigger than the black bans. Haven't seen them leave lr. Can you id?


Find out how it retracts itself. does it slither or crawl back into the rock or does it seem to retract into itself, like from the outside in?


They don't retract outside in, just pulls back into the rock. Touched it w/something, didn't retreat. It sort of stuck to item for a second. There's 4 to 5 worms/tenticles out 90% of the time. Just hangs out. Could it be something besides a worm? Poor discription, sorry. Kat


Thank U! I'll do searches on that now. I also posted that I have finger-like hydroids (digitate?). Found pic after a search and it was exactly that. Post says they sting/burn other corals. How can I get rid of them? They are spreading quickly.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
It's the arm of a Brittle Starfish.

LOL I began to wonder if that was it. I was also thinking ribbon worm as well but dismissed it.


Active Member
I have these things in my tank too usually having 4 or more tenacles sticking out of the rock anyone know what they are? There are a few of them right now and my LFS told me its some kind of tape worm cause they have them in their tank too.


Active Member
Yep thats what I have, so any of you know what these are some of them are getting pretty long in my tank and they are mutiplying on other rocks. Are they harmful and what can we do to get rid of them?


Those really look like peanut worms to me. I have about 5-6 different varieties in my lr. Some are tiger striped, some are complete black/beige. And some look exactally like those in the picture.
When fully extended, does the end look like an elephants trunk with small tenticles around the edges of the "mouth"?


That is why I didn't think they were peanut worms. The ends are not like you describe or like what I've seen in pics posted. I found this pic of a black banded serpent starfish. It looks pretty close to this but much much smaller plus I've only seen the arms.

bang guy


Originally posted by dragonboy
Yep thats what I have, so any of you know what these are

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in my first post.
Brittle Starfish have many long skinney arms that can detect and grab food. The "worm" in the picture is just one of these arms.


Active Member
Well I do have one of those Bristle starfish in my tank but these things are starting to show up everywhere and there are even small ones growing on the rock. Katfish22 let me know when you find out what they are they starting to look scary cause they seem longer day by day.


Active Member
Hahaha I try to kill one of them but the big one I found out it was my star fish hahahah.... good thing I didn't try to kill that guy.


Dragonboy, are you talking about getting rid of the hydroid, not the starfish, right? Ill post a Pic to show what is in my tank besides the starfish.
Does anyone know what I need to feed the starfish? I don't have much in my tank since it is only 2-3 weeks old...just a baby on the scene! I have lr, ls, 3 sm crabs and 2 borrowed fish, a royal damsel(?) and a 4 striped damsel that just went in Thursday night. I'm feeding them formula 1.
Okay, what is the best book out there for a true beginner with a 12g nano? I can start a new thread in nano country if that is best.

bang guy

After reviewing that picture again... sober... I might be wrong. I seem to remember a Hydroid with that structure

I'll find out for sure but I'm still convinced this type is easy to remove.