can u keep if any kind of coral with triggers and puffers ???


heres what i have in my tank
Flame Angelfish
Hawaiian Blue Puffer
Kole Tang - Blue Spotted
Bursa Trigger
3-blue damsels
snow flake eel
in a 100g


New Member
in a tank with mushrooms, brains and some soft corals. They leave the corals alone, but I've heard they will eat hard corals.


Definately no, you might put corals in, and all will seem fine. Then out've the blue you see them being chewed on. Softies and all are not safe especially triggers with the perfect snouts and mouth for nibbling, and getting into crevices like the Bursa. My Hummu never touched the 1 softy I'd had left in my tank for months. Then one night the wife and I were admiring how much it'd grown in a tank with messy fish. No sooner than the words came out my mouth our Hummu grabbed it swam straight backwards, and shook his head like a pit-bull on a piece of meat.


Forgot to mention it's said the carpet anenomes can hang in there due to there powerful sting, but I can't verify this for sure as I've never owned one.


My Valentini Puffer nibbled at several LPSs in my tank, including acans and open brain. I had to sell them off.