can u make a 30 gallon an agressive tank?


i suppose you can put a SFE in that tank and some damsles.
good luck.
Oh you can prolly put a dwarf lion in it to.


Active Member
Most aggressive fish would need something way bigger than a thirty. But as said you could do a SFE and some damsels . Maybe a mantis shrimp! OOOHHHHH nobody has said anything about having one of those that I know of . You could be the only kid on the block to have one.


i have a 30 with a bursa and a snowflake eal alot of people say no but there doing just fine and seem to have plenty of room just make sure you have really good filtration and use your best jugment im proof it can work not everyone has room for 100 gallon tanks i have a60 a 30 and a10 for hosp when i move ill get a 200 but thats in the futre goodluck let me know how it turns out


Originally Posted by tjake68
i have a 30 with a bursa and a snowflake eal alot of people say no but there doing just fine and seem to have plenty of room just make sure you have really good filtration and use your best jugment im proof it can work not everyone has room for 100 gallon tanks i have a60 a 30 and a10 for hosp when i move ill get a 200 but thats in the futre goodluck let me know how it turns out

the bursa will eventually ... get too big and stressed.... he might be happy for now... but not long


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
get a hawian puffer and something else, they are like lil dogs
not sure but wouldnt a hawaiin puffer get to big for a thirty?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sweetdawn
a dwarf lion and a snowflake can both go in the thirty
this is def. what i would go with!

my way

Active Member
2" Clown Trigger, 2"Niger Trigger, 3"Dwarf Fuzzy Lion, 4" Lunarre Wrasse and 10" Snowflake Moray in my 30 with a 10gal. fuge with 15 lbs. live rock and a homemade skimmer and wet dry made from a 5Gal. tank with about 8 lbs. of rubble. I started this tank about 1 year ago. Everyone has gotten along fine so far. My Ph says at 8.0-8.2 nitrates less than 10 Nitrite and ammonia-0. This IS only temporary they are going into a new 180 ( I probably won't keep the DFL as I think once they get bigger the Triggers will go after him ) soon. So the answer is- Short term yes, long term no.


Active Member
lol ok the main point being made here is YES you can.. i wouldnt suggest getting big fish like the ones listed above expecting to upgrade b/c plans are nothing more than plans you cant be sure youll upgrade be smart and get a bigger tank right away if your gonna get that many fish or just go with a couple of smaller aggressive fish dont overdue it in a thirty like that though even if they get aong fine its still gotta be cramped

my way

Active Member
I was'nt suggesting anyone stock a tank like I have. And my plans are'nt just plans, it's in the works. I also have a 150 that needs to be resealed or 2 55's to fall back if I need to. I have kept all of these fish in the past and know what to keep my eye out for. Like I said SHORT TERM ONLY. If you read my post the lion will not go into the 180 because of the agressive nature of the triggers as they get older. I guess my point was you could start small and work you way up, it is how I've done my tanks and how most people I've known have done it. Rarely does anyone start with a large tank, usually a small one then on to the larger tanks. I also made sure to tell them the equipment needed to sustain this load. A couple of things I left out, I change 10 gal. a week and have mangroves ( in the fuge)along with a lot of hair algea in the display tank (which looks like crap but I am interested in the quality of the water for my guys not how pretty it is for now). I'm not posting this reply to flame you, but rather to show that I do care about the health of these fish. Also these fish were all about 1' when purchased. I knew they would outgrow this tank and when the time came they would move on to bigger and better accomodations. That time is in the next month at the most.