can u post some pics of your tank

slk's reef

Hi i am thinking of buying another tank and i would like you to post some pictures of your tank to see how i shoul arrange the tank.Please


Active Member
With pleasure!!! It's a custom built 100 gallon(3ft by 3ft by 18in with the overflow built in the center).



Active Member
I'v had this tank set up for about a month and a half. I just recently up-graded. There are few more things I'v added since it's been up and I'll have new pic's up soom. Thanks for the comp-[liment and the chanve to post the pics. I love showing it off!!


Man predator, that is a beautiful tank, I like the way it's set up a lot. That way you have four fronts! I'm just going to have to stick with my 29 gallon until I get out of college, but once I get my own house I'm building myself a tank like that!


Active Member
How much longer you got in college? At the rate I'm going I'll never get out. I waited 2 years after high school to go and in the process have taken a couple semesters off. Hopefully by the time I'm 24 I'll at least have a associates, lol.


predator everytime i look at that tank i stop and stare for a bit. it is one gorgeous tank and i really do hope mine can be 1/10th of yours (that would be an accomplishment in itself.


Active Member
Catera you sure know how to make someones day. Thank you!!! You have any pic's of your tank? If so I would love to see it.


ummm how can you post pics, i've never tried before. man it is a shame when a comp sci guy is not bright enough in the morning to figure something like that out.


Hey AquaMan2, the fish you are holding in the freshwater pic, is that a banjo catfish? Nice pics BTW :D
Predator, as always your tank is awesome, something to aspire to! :)
Jacksonpt and NM reef, very nice photos! Glad you shared them with us!!! :D


Predator-I have at least 8 years left in college! So no tank like that any time soon. I'm getting a doctrite in philosophy to become a professor (so when all is said and done, I'll probably never make as much as I spent to go to school). I'm definitly going to put a beautiful tank like yours in my home office, it just might keep my from grading papers though. :D


Active Member
Von_Rahvin, you have a web page? I can show you mhow to do so if tou do. Or if all you have is some pics on your computer you can e-mail me one I can post it for you.
Thanks Fishy Missy.