Can we all get along?


New Member
I have a 2 year old 90 gal fish-only tank with a blue hippo, tomato clown and 6 smaller damsels. Ulimately I'm thinking of adding an emperor angel, two tangs (yellow tang, and a blonde naso tang) and maybe a lion fish. Would these all be compatable and relatively low maintenance/hearty? Any suggestion on which order to add them? Could I add more than one at time? Thanks


the naso will need a larger tank in the future so i would say no on that. The lion will eat your damsels which might be a good thing. The emperor needs a really large tank and i dont know if your tank is big enough.


Hi I'm new here and have a question. It's very hard knowing the right combinations
for saltwater. I have lost a few in the past but now have the right equipment
and now only have five fish. They have been steady though and the water
is testing great. Here's what I have and hopefully so far it's a good match:
Blue tang
Flame hawk
one damsel(blue)
mauroon clownfish(I just love)
one wrasse
So is this okay so far and what would be good to add. I am taking it
slow like I said. It's a 75 gallon tank with live rock. I finally have a good
fish guy helping me too from a saltwater store nearby. Thanks for
any advice. I'm so happy I found this place


Active Member
yes, you will need a much larger tank for the naso tang and the imperator angel, as they both get very large and require a lot of swimming space.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by BlueHip
Thanks, would you say any angel is out of the question for a 90 gal?
Dwarfs would be about your only choice. My$02


Ocean Breeze, you might get more responses if you start your own thread. I think everything looks fine. I just added a sixline wrasse and he is very colorful and active in my tank.


Staff member
I'm afraid not. 1 tang needs at least a 125, several tangs will need a 300 gal.